Part 2. Character review
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So. You waited until the snake hatched from the egg, and here it is in front of you on the Dashboard. By clicking on the magnifying glass, you will see all the details about your NFT snake:
Hatching time. The snake's birthday (the date it hatched from the egg).
APY. Annual return on staking (now it is 0% for all snakes, since staking is no longer tied to snakes).
Earned. That is how many tokens are earned for staking. These tokens are related to Game Balance. The item is placed separately from Game Balance for clarity.
TVL. This is the balance of your snake. At the start, it will be equal to 50% of the amount that you sent to the smart contract when you minted the character. TVL can be increased manually by clicking on Feed. Make sure the TVL doesn't drop below 25 SNK on the Black Mamba or below 110 SNK on the Dasypeltis. Otherwise, the snake will die.
Total GP. The number of games played for all time.
There are four character action buttons available to you: Feed (replenish TVL), Transfer (send the NFT snake to another wallet), Sell (put the snake on the marketplace) and Sleep (start preparing the snake for breaking).
Below you can see what artifacts are applied to the snake, but they will be discussed in another section of the guide...