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Every day, the blockchain protocol of the game places coins in the arena. The total value of coins is equal to 20% of the sum of all the snakes purchased for the previous day.
The player's goal in the game arena is to eat as many pixels as possible, avoiding collision with the map border and snake's own body. On collision, a penalty is deducted from the current TVL (the amount of the penalty depends on the type of snake).
Collision with one's own body or the map border does not kill the snake, but leads to the loss of a fixed percentage of the current TVL (or of the character's base cost in case the TVL falls below the base cost). Tokens lost in a collision replenish the damage economy and are distributed among other players.
In addition to normal pixels, a player can see a Bonus Box in the arena. Bonus Box appears in the arena as an obstacle. When a Box pixel is eaten in the arena, the current game ends, as a result of which the smart contract randomly determines the outcome (win or lose). If lose, all the tokens eaten in the arena will not be counted towards the game balance, but there will be no collision penalty either. The penalty will only be counted if the player has encountered an obstacle before within the current game session. If win, the game will end with saving the loot and accruing a bonus. Characters with the lowest TVL balance will have a lower chance of winning, respectively, characters with the highest TVL will have a higher chance. The probability will depend solely on the current TVL of the character.
There is also a Bomb obstacle. It appears randomly at different levels in random places. When crashing into a bomb, 10 pixels are removed from the Game balance. After that, the bomb disappears and the game continues. The bomb shoots pixels within the current arena and cannot lower the value of the collected pixels below 0!
The time in the arena and the number of game sessions differ depending on the type of snake. A player, evaluating the ratio of profit, risk and complexity of the game, can end a game session anytime and fix the profit.
The use of bots and other third-party programs for the game is prohibited. Snakes that have been caught cheating are locked out of the game.